You pick up a pendulum….you ask a question in your mind…then suddenly *insert eerie music here* the pendulum begins to move.
But have you ever stopped to ask WHO is moving that cute lil’ pendy of yours?

Sure, the skeptics will say YOU ARE. They’ll tell you it’s just an ideomotor response. They don’t want to listen when you try to explain that it’s not ideomotor response because that’s what happens when you consciously influence the outcome, which is the exact opposite of Truth Testing. But trying to enlighten a skeptic is like casting your pearls before swine. It’s stinky and pointless and no fun at all. And then you’ve got no pearls to wear, either. Or something like that.
Ask the moonbeam-patchouli-wearing spiritual types who’s moving your pendulum and you’ll get a different answer, one that is a lot more esoteric and involves higher energy and words like “divine” and “goddess.”
But what happens if you ask me? (I mean, who am I? Just someone who’s successfully taught hundreds of thousands of individuals how to use a pendulum for Truth Testing. In fact, I’ve even written a book on the topic — Pendulum Mojo. So, you know, I may know a thing or two about it.)
Well, I actually agree with both the skeptics and the hippies on this one. It IS you moving the pendulum (so long as it’s your hand that’s holding it) and it’s also a higher power that’s moving it.
The trick to using a pendulum properly for Truth Testing is to detach from the outcome, so that the Universal intelligence (far bigger than your brain and mine combined, if you can imagine such a brilliant source) can flow the truest answer through you, without being affected by what you think or want or wish. That way, it’s NOT ideomotor response (and it’s also not some nameless faceless “higher being” calling the shots). It’s the absolute best, most expansive version of YOU. The one that reaches far beyond what bounces around inside your gray matter.
Here’s how I explain it in Pendulum Mojo:
What Makes a Pendulum Work? Where Do the Answers Come from?
There is no power in the pendulum itself; this is important to remember. It is you who has the power, and you who has access to all of the information and answers that you seek. The pendulum is merely a tool (albeit a powerful and useful one) to help you discover those answers. Now you will begin to see why the personal relationship is so important.
Consider that there is a higher version of you, linked to the Universe and everything in it. This connectedness gives you access to all information—past, present, and future. Such a connection imparts its wisdom, its guidance, and its infinite being-ness. The pendulum is one tool that allows you to access the higher version of you, this Higher Self, the infinitely divine being that is You.
When you get into your car, you tell the car to start by putting the key into the ignition and turning that key. You do not need to know anything about internal combustion, horsepower, or what the heck a “hemi” is in order to take that car from point A to point B. Rather, you just need to know how to drive it. It’s exactly the same with your pendulum.
This book will show you how to drive your pendulum; how to operate it for maximum effectiveness (mojo). The more you use your pendulum, the easier and more streamlined your life will become, just as it did when Henry Ford changed lives with his Model T. Although, luckily, the pendulum emits no noxious fumes and its use leaves no carbon footprint. Plus, it’s highly unlikely that you would ever die from operating a pendulum, even if intoxicated.
Want to know more? Get the book, it’s all in there! (plus a whole lot more)
Go for it.