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What to Do When Emotions Are Overwhelming

What to Do When Emotions Are Overwhelming

When emotions overwhelm us, it can truly feel unsettling. Here’s why it happens and what you can do…

What Does It Mean to Get Clear?

What Does It Mean to Get Clear?

What does it mean to get clear? The word “clear” has two meanings. First, clear is a noun meaning clarity. Before you…

UPDATE: Where I Went

UPDATE: Where I Went

Hey did you miss me? Just thought I’d post a quick update to let you know why you…

ARCHIVE: Why I Don’t Drink Anymore

ARCHIVE: Why I Don’t Drink Anymore

People of a certain age look at me funny when I say, “Thanks, but I don’t drink.” It’s…

ARCHIVE: OPF: Other People’s Fear

ARCHIVE: OPF: Other People’s Fear

Are you down with OPF? Other people's fears can be contagious - but only if you allow them…

ARCHIVE: You can’t mess with free will

ARCHIVE: You can’t mess with free will

Now here's where it gets tricky: when your brain says "I'm willing, OMG I am SO willing to…

Who’s moving the pendulum?

Who’s moving the pendulum?

You pick up a pendulum….you ask a question in your mind…then suddenly *insert eerie music here* the pendulum…

ARCHIVE: How do I know if I’m influencing the pendulum?

ARCHIVE: How do I know if I’m influencing the…

"What about bias/influence?" This is hands-down the question I get asked most often about the pendulum and Truth…

Why use a pendulum?

Why use a pendulum?

If you're not familiar with Truth Testing, you may think a pendulum is only good for hypnosis. Or…

ARCHIVE: If the people lead, the leaders will follow

ARCHIVE: If the people lead, the leaders will follow

A lot of bumper stickers may make me smile (or even roll my eyes), but it's rare that…

Finish This Sentence:

Finish This Sentence:

Many years ago, I was asked to finish a sentence and little did I know it at the…

ARCHIVE: But what if my partner is negative?

ARCHIVE: But what if my partner is negative?

Recently, I received a question from one of my readers, who asks: “Does a few seconds of negativity…

“Awww, but why don’t we go to the dentist more often?”

“Awww, but why don’t we go to the dentist…

Hey, I never claimed that my kids were normal. My oldest (age 9) visited the doctor earlier this…

ARCHIVE: How I Missed the Mountain Lion

ARCHIVE: How I Missed the Mountain Lion

Here’s a great example of what happens when you use Truth Testing to check in and see what’s…

ARCHIVE: Fear of the Dentist?

ARCHIVE: Fear of the Dentist?

Why are so many people afraid of the dentist? I would suspect it’s a combination of a few…

ARCHIVE: Sustain vs. Fulfill… what’s the difference?

ARCHIVE: Sustain vs. Fulfill… what’s the difference?

I think there is a big difference between what sustains you and what fulfills you. And if you’re…

ARCHIVE: The Return of Sanity

ARCHIVE: The Return of Sanity

Today’s the day my kids head back to school. I love my children dearly, but I am definitely…

Are we all intuitive?

Are we all intuitive?

People often ask me if anyone can do what I do, and as much as my ego would…