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UPDATE: Where I Went

UPDATE: Where I Went

UPDATE: Where I Went

Hey did you miss me? Just thought I’d post a quick update to let you know why you might not have heard from me for a few years.

I have often said that when it comes to how I run my life, typically, I go wherever God sends me, and try not to complain too much. 

He has never steered me wrong, and it sure has taken my life into some interesting twists and turns. 

Around late 2018/early 2019, the business part of my healing practice started to wind itself down. I thought this was curious, given how big things had gotten and how well everything had been going, but I went along with it and learned some incredible lessons along the way. For example, how to slow down and do less, how to be still more, and how to let someone else take care of me and our family. I was a full time mother and wife, and I worked a lot on my own patience, which was not something that used to come naturally for me. It was the first time in my life that I had not worked since I was a teenager and it felt really weird. Definitely a new experience I had to learn to “live into.”  

Little did I know that the downtime then was preparing me for a unique kind of temporary career switch. Almost like a secular sabbatical.  

Then 2020 was nothing short of bizarre and alarming (for all of us), but in hindsight, so very necessary for our evolution. Prior to that, there were many things that I knew to be true, things which ran counter to popular beliefs and awareness and which I didn’t discuss openly, but oh so much more opened up during that year. The veil was lifted and countless people “woke up” during this period of intense turmoil and blatant tyranny. I spent the next nearly four years focused on civic duties, which had never held my interest before—not even the tiniest bit. You see, prior to 2020, I believed that the government had zero control over me or my life. So imagine what a wake-up call 2020 was for me, in that regard. I threw myself wholeheartedly into civics and I researched and researched and researched. Then I educated people about what I had discovered. Which caused me to get canceled off some social media sites. In fact, my Twitter account still hasn’t been reinstated, even though everything I said at that time has since been proven to be 100% true. 

Then the craziest thing happened (someday I’ll tell you about it) in early ’22 and I found myself employed full time, doing the very thing I had been doing for free for the prior 2 years. That’s right, I was being paid to research, dig, and educate. And you’ll never believe who I was working for! Ask me about it sometime, I’ll tell you the crazy story about how it all came about. 

It never ceases to amaze me how artfully God provides. 

Did you know that was literally my high school motto? Deus providebit. God will provide. Every year, it means more and more to me and my understanding of this simple declaration grows by leaps and bounds. 

Shortly after starting that non-profit job, I launched a patriotic blog and I guess the powers that be didn’t approve of a lot of the truths I was dropping because within a few months, all of my websites (including my old and and all my healing websites) were horribly hacked. When I say “horribly,” I mean that my husband is an IT guy, and so my websites have been hacked many times over the years. If you followed me then, you might not have noticed because he always had things back up and running within 24-48 hours. But this time, it was so much worse. He had to hire 2 professionals to help untangle everything and at that point I said, I don’t think this civics website needs to be re-launched. Let’s just leave that alone and let me focus on where my work is now. 

Anyway, late last year, I could feel that my civic duties were starting to wind down, and I felt a strong pull to return to healing work. Once again, I decided to go where God sends me, while trying not to complain too much. Almost immediately, 3 clients showed up almost out of the blue — without my having any website, any subscriber list, anything at all online. I took that to mean I was on the right track. 

Now here we are in early June 2024, and I’m relaunching my website. I scrapped nearly everything (but not the old blog posts and articles — I have at least 500+ of those and it seems a shame to just scrap them all as many are still very relevant today and great resources) and got all new photos and wrote up new text and honestly, I do not care about marketing. Well, to be fair, I never liked marketing but I used to try to make myself care about it, because that’s what all the “business experts” say needs to happen. But I really don’t like marketing at all, so I’m not worrying about that this time, and I’m not thinking about that or strategizing that, or anything. 

I’m just starting over (but not really, because I bring with me the decades of experience I have in healing) and I’m trusting that if this resonates with you, you’ll keep coming back, and if it doesn’t, then you’ll find someone who does. 

If you think “ick” when you see my new website, that’s ok, just move along because it’s not for you. 

If you don’t like my new newsletter or email format and content, that’s ok, just unsubscribe. 

If you don’t like my new video format, no sweat! I’m sure you’ll find someone great who you resonate with. 

I’m really clear that things are about to ramp up (worldwide) and that by this fall, it seems pretty much everyone is going to be looking for a healer. And I know I can’t work with everyone (not even close). In fact, I can only work with a handful of people at a time. So I’ve asked God to bring the right people, at the right time, in the right way, so that I can work only with those specific people who need my specific skills in healing. 

And in doing so, I continue to go where God sends me, while trying not to complain too much. 

Thanks for reading this far. I’m glad we are connected (or reconnected). I’d love to hear from you so drop me a line and let me know how life is going for you now. Good or bad, I’d like to hear about it. Perhaps I can help if you like, but either way, I’m happy to listen. <3