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About your healer

Who Am I ?

I’m Amy Scott Grant and I’m here to help you Get clear. Get results.™

But what does it mean to get clear? 

The word “clear” has two meanings. First, clear is a noun meaning clarity. Before you can see where you’re going, you’ve got to know where and why you’re stuck right here, right now. Which leads us to the second meaning of clear: a verb referring to the action of removing obstacles. 

Odds are, you find yourself here now because you feel stuck somewhere in your life. You’ve tried to resolve this on your own, but this particular block is frustratingly stubborn and just won’t resolve. 

Good news. My specialty is permanently clearing blocks, doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs.

I have been blessed with a bizarre knack for succeeding where others have failed—especially when it comes to healing. 


I’m a master intuitive healer, bestselling author, speaker, and coach. I’ve sourced my own methods, penned more than a dozen books, hosted dozens of private retreats, and taught countless courses on healing. But at the end of the day, none of that really matters to you because the only question in your mind right now is this:

Can this chick actually help me? 

But you already know the answer to that question. 

At this point, you may have already signed up for my newsletter and partaken of the unusual gift I offered. 

Maybe you’re trying to muster the courage to pull the trigger to book a Mojo session with me.

Life can feel tricky, right? Being stuck means it’s hard to do the thing that will get you unstuck…because if it were easy, you wouldn’t need me, because you wouldn’t still be stuck. 

But you are stuck, so here we are. 

Now the choice is yours. Stay stuck? Or get unstuck?  

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