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What Does It Mean to Get Clear?

What Does It Mean to Get Clear?

What Does It Mean to Get Clear?

What does it mean to get clear?

The word “clear” has two meanings. First, clear is a noun meaning clarity. Before you can see where you’re going, you’ve got to know where and why you’re stuck right here, right now. Which leads us to the second meaning of clear: a verb referring to the action of removing obstacles. 

Imagine you are now at Point A, but you’d like to be at Point B, and you can use this example to think about your whole life, any one aspect of your life, or even just one particular goal or outcome that you want to achieve.

Now imagine there are tons of obstacles between A and B. How easy will it be to get there, and how long do you think it will take?

Next imagine that we clear those obstacles, one by one. Now how fast could you get from point A to point B?

When you get clear, you get results.

But how do we clear?

There are many, many ways. Imagine a block or fear or limiting belief is like a weed. You yourself may have used any number of methods to address your blocks. Perhaps you’ve used EFT, hypnosis, reiki, past life regression, angels, prayer, affirmations, etc. Any of these other methods, if used properly, would surely give you temporary relief, just like chopping down a weed.

But yet, you’re still not clear, because it’s not completely gone.

My clearing technique is unique in that it goes to the root of the block and dissolves it completely and permanently.

When I clear for you, it’s clear for good. Period.

And once you’re clear, you’re free to create whatever you wish. As quickly as you like.

Some of my clients have described it as starting out feeling like they’re standing in a dark forest. Then all of a sudden after the clearing, they’re standing in an open meadow in the sunshine. Everything has cleared.

Odds are, you stumbled across this website now because you feel stuck somewhere in your life. You’ve tried to resolve this on your own, but this particular block is frustratingly stubborn and just won’t resolve. This is because the underlying root cause is still there.

Some blocks are massive and complex, requiring more than one clearing. You can think of this like peeling layers off an onion. Fortunately, with my method, you don’t have to peel each layer individually; we can peel several layers at once, in a single clearing. Other blocks get knocked out entirely in just one clearing.

Ready to experience this “clearing” for yourself?  You can try it for free by subscribing to my email newsletter. Go ahead, and I’ll send you an audio clearing so you can see one example for yourself.

Or if you’ve already done that and are ready for more, book a Mojo session with me and let’s really get crackin’.